Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blcokwork continued

As we can see from this image the blockwork continues at a fast pace, this was taken later the same day.

Block Underway

First course of blockwork being laid please not the location of D.P.C

Friday, May 7, 2010

Final stages of Concrete Slab

Final sections of floor slab being poured and vibrated in order to remove air pockets and and to make sure concrete is correctly/evenly dispersed. This is done in order to achieve the type of finish as specified by the Architect/Engineer

Day of the Concrete slab being poured

Floor slab just been poured and is now currently being levelled out using a straight edge, before the next pour commences.

Close-up image of Reinforcing

Reinforcing mesh laid on top of proprietary triangular mesh spacing elements in order to achieve minimum cover in the concrete slab (typical is 50mm above insulation)